Sysop Piloting RabbitMQ with Kubernetes NB: This is an old post. This general method of operating rabbit in kubernetes is still viable, but there are probably better ways to handle it these days. The in-house
Sysop Install Customized VIM from Source on Debian/Ubuntu I am frequently using vim features that are not built into the default distro builds, and so I find it easiest to just build and install it from scratch to
Sysop Configuring gpg-agent for SSH Authentication on Ubuntu Since gpg-agent isn't used for ssh authentication on Ubuntu, and there are indeed 2 different daemons vying for the job, it can get complicated to figure out how to untangle
Technology PuTTY, TMUX and NPM I use PuTTY often when I'm on a Windows machine to connect to my Linux boxes to do work. I also use TMUX and NPM which both do line-drawings to display UI. NPM When listing a tree of installed modules, NPM uses lines to
Technology Gentoo Installation Bullet-point List I install Gentoo often enough that the Gentoo Handbook [] is way too verbose, but not often enough to memorize the steps involved. This list is meant mainly for me, but also for anyone who is
Linux Modifying only directory permissions using find I recently went through my web directories and updated the permissions to be more inline with recommended security practices. When setting web file permissions in Linux you want to set execute permissions on a directory to allow listing and traversal, but you don't want
Sysop Backing up local files on your Data Protection Management Server When creating a new protection group in DPM 2007 RTM you are presented with a list of computers on your network that have the DPM client installed. The DPM server itself is in this list as it also runs the client for various reasons,